Blue Hues

A teal, pink, beige and salmon abstract floral paintings by Kay Flierl hangs on a white wall.

Kay Flierl

Garden Lyrics 200

$2,100.00 Sale $1,680.00

A light pink, beige, teal and salmon abstract floral painting by Kay Flierl hangs on a white wall.

Kay Flierl

Garden Lyrics 199

$2,100.00 Sale $1,680.00

The Bluff

Kelly Rossetti

The Bluff

$4,200.00 Sale $3,360.00

A white, lavender, teal and blue abstract heavily textured painting like sculpture by Teodora Guererra hangs on a white wall.

Teodora Guererra

Endless Sky

$6,615.00 Sale $5,292.00

A blue, white, and beige abstract painting framed in a white frame hangs on a white wall.

Sofie Swann

Plage et Dunes X

$1,260.00 Sale $1,008.00

A blue, white, and beige abstract painting framed in a white frame hangs on a white wall.

Sofie Swann

Plage et Dunes IX

$1,260.00 Sale $1,008.00

A white, grey, and silver abstract painting hangs on a sunny wall.

Sofie Swann

A Million Possibilities

$13,125.00 Sale $10,500.00

A Magical Place *

Sofie Swann

A Magical Place *

$13,125.00 Sale $10,500.00

A teal blue, teal green, lavender and pale lavender textured abstract painting by Teodora Guererra hangs on a white wall.

Teodora Guererra

Quiet Light II

$3,150.00 Sale $2,520.00

Fresh Air

Teodora Guererra

Fresh Air

$3,150.00 Sale $2,520.00

A blue, white, and beige abstract painting framed in a white frame hangs on a white wall.

Sofie Swann

Plage et Dunes III

$1,260.00 Sale $1,008.00

A blue, beige, and white abstract painting framed in a white frame hangs on a white wall.

Sofie Swann

Plage et Dunes I

$1,260.00 Sale $1,008.00

Hysteria *

Sofie Swann

Hysteria *

$13,125.00 Sale $10,500.00

Let It Snow

Sofie Swann

Let It Snow

$4,935.00 Sale $3,948.00

A blue and white abstract painting hangs on a white wall.

Sofie Swann

Iles Inconnues *

$13,125.00 Sale $10,500.00

A white, grey, and yellow abstract painting hangs on a white wall.

Sofie Swann

Confetti *

$13,125.00 Sale $10,500.00