We are pleased to introduce our newest artist, Nealy Hauschildt! Nealy's original abstract watercolor paintings combine light, washy layers and minimalistic compositions which are inspired by the natural world. 

Nealy Hauschildt is a Brooklyn-based artist. She obtained her BFA from the University of Michigan, during which she spent four months studying at the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague, CZ. Her work has been featured in Thought Art Magazine and CandyFloss Magazine, and has been included in shows and private collections across the country.

"Color plays an enormous role in my work and in how I experience the world," Nealy says. "My paintings are a combination of what exists in nature and how I experience my environment. I aim to capture the soul of the landscape through minimalistic, emotive color planes. Just as planned as it is exploratory, my process includes layering transparent washes and allowing room for the paint to evolve on page. I hope for my work to provide a moment of reflection and inspire sight; to reconnect us with land, sea, and sky and ignite an emotional response to color."

"Nealy's work is so light and uplifting," says Sorelle Owner, Sandy Pelletier. "It is clear that she truly works with the paint - allowing it to flow freely, but within the parameters she sets as a creator. Nealy effectively combines elements of simplicity and exploration into her abstract watercolor paintings, with an end result that maintains depth and tranquility."

Nealy's framed original paintings can be found in her Artist Collection, and in the Class of 2022 feature, which celebrates the ten creators who joined on as new artists at Sorelle this year. 


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