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Tender Weight of Joy

Jennifer Haley


Regular price $4,200.00

34” x 24” original artwork. 

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About Jennifer Haley

In Jennifer Haley’s work, there is an unfolding of the sacred within form—a glimpse of the infinite within the finite. Her art invites a journey beyond the veils of illusion, where beauty arises not from the external, but from the deep, unchanging essence within.

Each piece is an offering of stillness, where time dissolves, and the viewer is welcomed into the timeless presence that flows through all things. Her creations are both reflections and reminders of the boundless, luminous essence that connects all.
Born on Long Island, New York, Jennifer's artistic passion sparked in the world of theater, culminating in a Master of Fine Arts in Technical Theater. She painted scenery across the United States, a rewarding career, but her restless spirit yearned for a more personal outlet—unbounded expression, fueled by passion. Inspired by music, abstract expressionism, travel, and solitude, Jennifer found her authentic medium.

Jennifer Haley is a prolific artist captivating collectors worldwide, with work gracing private collections from the United States to London. Her academic journey includes a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Delaware's Professional Theater Training Program and a Bachelor of Arts from Florida State University. These milestones define her artistic evolution, pushing boundaries and embracing creative possibilities.