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Symphony of the Sea

John Harris


Regular price $2,200.00

13" x 34" original artwork.

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About John Harris

Artist Statement

"I isolate and exaggerate forms, colors and sequences found in nature. My large scale, realist paintings take one to two months to complete, as I meticulously works to recreate various environmental complexities from photographs, memory and artistic expression. The process begins with mapping out large shapes of color on canvas, and then details are added.  When the paint dries, more paint and glazes are added. The repetition of this careful glazing technique results in the dramatization of translucent layers - a visual effect that is conceptually harmonious with its subject: water.

"I am most interested in exploring water’s physical properties - reflection, turbidity, rhythm, pattern, that make up its unique viewing experience. I address these issues by isolating a moment in time in various bodies of water: oceans and rivers. The result is a series of peaceful, hypnotic and turbulent paintings."